How to Nominate & Vote
Voting is split into two phases.
Round 1 - Nominations
Fanzines are nominated for any one or more of the categories. The more nominations a fanzine has, the more chance it has of progressing to the next Round.
The voting is now closed and we have drawn up a longlist from the fanzines with the most nominations who will go forward to Round 2.
Round 2 - Assessment
Below are the most popularly nominated fanzines lists:
- "Best Premier League - Print"
- "Best Football League - Print"
- "Best Premier League - Online"
- "Best Football League - Online"
- "Best Blog - Online"
- "Best Editor - Either Media"
- "Best Writer - Either Media"
- "Best Non-League - Either Media"
Voting closes Friday 27th February.
Round 3 - Judging
The Judging Panel will decide the winner of each category as well as the overall winner - "The UK Football Fanzine of the Year 2009.
Click here for some tips to make sure your publication gets the nominations it deserves in The New Football Pools Fanzine Awards 2009 powered by The Football Fans Census.