Wigan Suggest Swap Deal To Boro!

Last updated : 15 April 2009 By Boro Mad
Steve Bruce: "By the time Mido gets 100 per cent fit the season will be over, but he's certainly getting fitter.

"We'll have to sit down at some point, see where Boro are and what their situation is regarding Mido.

"They have Marlon King - who is our player - on loan, so when the time is right we'll have a conversation.

"I think you can see why I like Mido. He's trained hard since he's come here, done everything he possibly can to get fitter.

"His fitness levels are getting better, and the way he led the line against Arsenal was terrific.

"If he continues playing like that, of course we'd be interested in taking him, but he's still a Middlesbrough player."