Southgate: 'I Have No Reason To Quit'!

Last updated : 06 April 2009 By Boro Mad
Gareth Southgate: "Sometimes things leave you scratching your head but results and performances are my responsibility and, in the end, this performance wasn't good enough.

"There is no suggestion that I will walk away from this, though. Resignation is a little bit like committing suicide because it is invariably a selfish act.

"And I have no reason to walk away because I have to lead people through this. I am held responsible for everything that happens, but I can handle that.

"We know we are in a very difficult situation and we have to do everything we can to try to stay in the division.

"I was relegated with Palace in the 1990s so I know what it feels like and some of this team will know what it feels like, having been through the divisions.

"They will know what it would entail, but some haven't and they are experiences that players will taste at some point in their careers.

"But I'm determined that we will keep fighting until there is no air left."