Mackems Ruling The Roost In Stockton?

Last updated : 08 June 2009 By Boro Mad
Boro are to write individually to all those fans from Stockton who have made a complaint to the club.

Keith Lamb: "This football club is driven by Steve Gibson.

"Nobody doubts his commitment to the area and the football club are in no doubts that his roots remain in this area and his commitment to it.

"If he has appeared to make one little error in a live radio interview he apologises for that.

"The purpose of the interview was to show all of our fans what we are trying to achieve here and how we need all of our fans with us. There was no intention to suggest that any of our fans are not wholly behind the club.

"Having said that, we all want to put it behind us and move on, club and fans together, and put the club back where it belongs in the Premier League.

"That is in the best interests of the club and the community.

"We value all of our fans. We have fans all over the world and these same fans correspond all over the world. Yet there is no denying the nucleus of our regular support lies within a 15 miles radius of the Riverside.

"Included in that are not just the season ticket holders and people who come to the matches regularly but families and friends of those who come.

"For everybody who attends a Middlesbrough match there are another four or five who are listening to the radio, watching on TV either at home or in a pub.

"We may have 25,000 fans watching the game, but we know there are a minimum of 125,000 waiting to hear their view of the game.

"They are Boro fans as well and we value all of them.

"I have said before. We believe in the people of Teesside. All the people of Teesside.

"In fact we are here only for their benefit. If we did not have fans then there would be no point in existing.

"We are the highest profile organisation in this region. We feel more collective energies and attract more TV time that any other organisation in the area.

"We accept that prestigious position that we have in the community and we do everything we can to help the community in whatever way we can."