Boro Set For Premier League II?

Last updated : 19 April 2009 By Boro Mad
Gartside is set to put forward a plan that would see a second tier added to the competition, including the introduction of Glasgow giants Celtic and Rangers.

In theory, the addition of Scotland's big two should generate more enthusiasm from broadcasters, allowing the Premier League to make up the financial shortfall that would inevitably follow the addition of an extra 16 teams to the current 20, making up two leagues of 18.

It would also offer a safety net for clubs, such as Bolton, who are involved in an annual scrap for safety.

Presently the Premier League make parachute payments to relegated clubs of £11.5m a season for two seasons if they fail to bounce back in those seasons.

In addition, UEFA president Michel Platini seems unlikely to sanction any alteration to the status quo and still allow Celtic and Rangers to qualify for Europe.

Platini did offer special dispensation to Cardiff last year when they reached the FA Cup Final but that was based on the amount of time the Bluebirds have been part of the English league.

It is also by no means certain Gartside could generate the support of 14 Premier League clubs as required under statute, given the 'big four' would almost certainly reject the idea as it would affect their income.

Others, such as Aston Villa, Tottenham and FA Cup semi-finalists Everton, may take a dim view of the idea too given it is unlikely they would ever go down, although the same could also have been said of Newcastle until this season's disastrous effort.