Boro Boy Set To Make Reporter Eat His Words?

Last updated : 16 October 2009 By Boro Mad

Irish reporter Eamon Dunphy is no stranger to "hammering" Ireland's World Cup qualification, and his description of the players as "shameful" during his post-match analysis, has left a bitter taste with the Boro defender.

Sean St Ledger: "I would say we are in the play-offs - that's the best way to answer it.

"When we were seeded for this group, we were not seeded second, so we have over-achieved, really.

"If we won the World Cup and didn't play very well, would people moan? I don't think they would.

"Everyone has an opinion - football is a game of opinions. Pundits can express their opinions and every fan who comes and pays their money maybe has a different opinion to you or I.

"It's the sort of thing you just have to put up with. Some of the press has been a little bit negative, but such is life.

"To call our performance 'shameful' on Saturday was a little bit harsh, but everyone has the right to an opinion and that was his opinion, so fair enough."