Boro Backed By Riverside Roar!

Last updated : 14 April 2009 By Boro Mad

Andrew Taylor: "I thought the crowd were fantastic, even when they got their goal, they got right back behind us.

"When the crowd's like that, it gives us a lift, it makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and inspires you.

"We built this game up ourselves, we knew how big it was for us.

"We said to each other 'get our heads down, keep working hard and stick together' which is the main thing.

"And I think people will have seen that. They'll have seen the boys giving 120%.

"The manager did say to us before the game that a lot of people are writing us off.

"He said they're saying we're already relegated whereas the pressure was on Hull to get the win because it would have opened up the gap between them and the teams below.

"But now we've beaten them it keeps everything tight at the bottom.

"That's the mentality we're using now, we can't get in a worse position, we're just going to keep our heads down, keep working hard and try to keep picking up the points if we can."